Our Reentry House

Page St. House is located in Johnson County at 719 Page Street, Iowa City. Applications can be submitted to the Inside Out Reentry Community office at 804 S Capitol St, Iowa City, IA 52240.

Reentry House Application

The sober, transitional residence houses six low-income men for up to two years after their return to the community following incarceration. Inside Out provides on-site case management, mentors, and other supportive services for the residents, who pay less than market value rent as they get established in the community.


  • Eligibility is limited to men who have been released from jail, prison or work release in the prior 6 months
  • Individuals who are incarcerated are eligible to apply if they have a parole or discharge date within 3 months of their application
  • Applicants must meet low income requirements
  • Likelihood of successful residency and participation in Inside Out programming
  • Must have submitted an application for review, completed an intake and recent reentry plan (within the last 12 months) prior to or as part of application
  • Must agree to be paired with an IO mentor
  • Applicant must agree to an interview with IO staff

Unfortunately, federal funding prohibits us from housing people with a lifetime sexual offender registration requirement. Those with a 2000ft residency restriction are also ineligible. However, everyone is eligible for and very welcome to participate in all other Inside Out programs. Please ask how we can assist you.

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Major sponsors of the Reentry House include:



The Robert Allan Schafbuch Fund, Dorothy and John Whiston, Valerie Kemp, Dale and Diana Helling, Franklin Luckey and Mary Scamman (in memory of Don Ross), Nancy Ross, Farnsworth Law, Jane Smiley, Michael and Debbie Kratz, Christine Luzzie, Cecilia Norris, David and Jean Schropfer, William and Emily Schiefer, Dennis Tallman, Richard and Cathy Grugin, an anonymous donor