Donate to Make a Difference!

As a small community-based re-entry community and 501(c)3, we rely heavily on volunteers, grant funding, and individual donations. Your contribution enables us to continue our work, assisting and supporting returning citizens.

EIN #47-5350218  



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Interested in donating items for our Reentry House: click here for our Amazon wishlist!

Consider becoming a sustaining donor with a monthly donation today!

What do sustaining members say? Ashley Tucker: “I’m a sustaining member of Inside Out Reentry Community because I have seen firsthand the incredible good this organization does, for the people it serves and for our community.”

Dorothy and John Whiston: “Being a Sustaining Donor to Inside Out is the easiest way for us to financially support the invaluable assistance Inside Out provides returning citizens. We hope you’ll consider joining us in becoming an Inside Out Sustaining Donor!”